Accounting policies
This interim report was prepared in accordance with IFRS and IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. Disclosures under IAS 34.16A are made not only in the financial statements, with associated notes, but also in other parts of the interim report. The interim report for the parent company was prepared in accordance with the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and the Swedish Securities Market Act, which complies with recommendation RFR 2 Accounting for Legal Entities, issued by the Swedish Financial Reporting Board. The same accounting policies and basis for calculations as in the latest annual report have been applied in this interim report, with the exception of the amended accounting policies described below.

As of 1 January 2019, IFRS 16 Leases has replaced standard IAS 17 Leases and related interpretations IFRIC 4,SIC 15 and SIC 27. IFRS 16 requires most leases to be reported in the balance sheet.

Addtech applied the simplified transition method, entailing comparative data for previous periods not being presented. The lease liability consists of the discounted remaining leasing fees as of 1 April 2019. For all contracts, the right-of-use asset corresponds to an amount equivalent to the lease liability adjusted for prepaid or accrued lease payments recognised in the balance sheet on the initial date of application. Accordingly, the transition to IFRS 16 entailed no effect on equity. 

Addtech’s leases consist mainly of leased premises but also vehicles and other leases (of, for example, production equipment and office equipment). The transition to IFRS 16 entailed an increase in the Group’s total assets through the addition of right-of-use assets and lease liabilities. The lease fees previously reported as operating expenses was replaced by depreciation expenses on the rights-of-use which are reported in operating profit and interest on the lease liability, which is reported as a financial expense. The lease fee is divided between amortisation on the lease liability and interest payments. 

Addtech has chosen to apply the relief rule regarding leases of less than 12 months and for contracts where the underlying asset has a low value. Accordingly, these will not be included in the amounts reported in the balance sheet, although they will still be reported as operating expenses in the income statement. In assessing contract duration where there are opportunities for extension or termination, both business strategy and contract-specific conditions are considered in determining whether the Group is reasonably secure in applying them.

On the transition to IFRS 16, all remaining lease fees were calculated applying the margin loan rate. The transition effect on the balance sheet as of 1 April 2019 entailed right-of-use assets of SEK 550 million arising on the asset side. On the liability side, lease liabilities totalling SEK 550 million arose, of which non-current liabilities amounted to SEK 408 million and current liabilities to SEK 142 million.

During the period IFRS 16 has entailed increased depreciation expenses on property, plant and equipment amounting to SEK 114 million and increased interest amounting to SEK 6 million. The lease fees were previously reported as operating expenses.

The performance based figures for rolling 12 months exclude the effect of IFRS 16 in order to provide a fair picture in relation to the comparative period. In the Group’s balance sheet and the table of key financial indicators, performance based figures for rolling 12 months as well as assets and liabilities are also presented as if IFRS 16 was never applied to illustrate the effect of the transition.

Alternative performance measures
The Company presents certain financial measures in the interim report that are not defined according to IFRS. The Company believes that these measures provide valuable supplemental information to investors and the Company's management as they allow for evaluation of trends and the Company's performance. Since all companies do not calculate financial measures in the same way, they are not always comparable to measures used by other companies. These financial measures should therefore not be considered to be a replacement for measurements as defined under IFRS. For definitions and reconciliation tables of the performance measures that Addtech uses, please see page 18-21.

Risks and factors of uncertainty
Addtech's profit and financial position, as well as its strategic position, are affected by a number of internal factors under Addtech's control and by a number of external factors over which Addtech has limited influence. The most important risk factors for Addtech are the state of the economy, combined with structural change and the competitive situation. Addtech has four operating subsidiaries within the UK as well as a few other subsidiaries doing business with the UK.

The effects of Brexit are to this date unknown, but all affected subsidiaries are closely monitoring the developments. Addtech Group’s total exposure to possible negative effects from Brexit are not considered material. Beside this, risks and uncertainty factors are the same as in previous periods, please see section Risks and uncertainties (page 38-40) in the annual report for 2018/2019 for further details. The Parent Company is indirectly affected by the above risks and uncertainty factors due to its role in the organisation.

Transactions with related parties
No transactions between Addtech and related parties that have significantly affected the Group's position and earnings have taken place during the period.

Seasonal effects
Addtech's sales of high-tech products and solutions in the manufacturing industry and infrastructure are not subject to major seasonal variations. The number of production days and customers' demand and willingness to invest can vary over the quarters.

Nomination committee
The 2019 Annual General Meeting authorised the Board Chairman to establish a nomination committee for upcoming elections to the Board, by appointing members among representatives of the five shareholders who controlled the largest number of votes in the Company at 31 December 2019, to serve with the Chairman on the nomination committee. In accordance with the above, the committee comprises these appointed members: Anders Börjesson (Chairman of the Board), Tom Hedelius, Åsa Nisell (appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder), Per Trygg (appointed by SEB Investment Management) and Mats Gustafsson (appointed by Lannebo Fonder). Information on how to contact the committee is available on the Addtech website.

Events after the end of the period
On 3 February, Wireco-NB Oy, Finland, was acquired to become part of the Energy business area. Wireco is a supplier of special cables and cabling accessories for industrial and mining applications mainly in Finland. The company has sales of about EUR 2.2 million and 6 employees.

Preliminary purchase price allocations has not yet been completed.

Stockholm February 5, 2020  

Niklas Stenberg
CEO and President


This report has not been subject to review by the company's auditor.



This information is information that Addtech AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out below, at 8.15 a.m CET on 5 February 2020.

Future information
2020-05-13    Year-end report 1 April 2019 - 31 March 2020
2020-07-14    Interim report 1 April - 30 June 2020
2020-08-28    Annual General Meeting 2020 will be held at IVA, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm at 2.00 p.m

The Group's annual report for 2019/2020 will be published on Addtech's website in July 2020

For further information, please contact:
Niklas Stenberg, President and CEO, +46 8 470 49 00 
Malin Enarson, CFO, +46 705 979 473